Voici le secret japonais pour un ventre plat en seulement 5 minutes par jour

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Voici le secret japonais pour un ventre plat en seulement 5 minutes par jour

 The summer is approaching quickly, and those who have been have frequently resolved to find a familiar silhouette. After trying out several regimes and participating in hard sports sessions, it might be difficult to see concrete results.

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But don't worry, there may be a far simpler cure that you haven't tried yet: it's the serviette exercise, a Japanese secret revealed by Dr. Tokishi Fukutsudzi, a renowned reflexology expert.

Qu'est-ce que l'exercice de la serviette ?

Connu également sous le nom de "5-minute towel" dans son ouvrage "Les points Tsubos", cet exercice simple combine les principes de gainage et les postures yoga pour cibler spécifiquement la graisse abdominale. He promises surprising results with only 5 minutes of work every day. This method allows you to lose up to 5 kg in a month without putting too much pressure on yourself. And, to be honest, it quickly becomes really interesting!

Les bienfaits insoupçonnés de cette technique

In addition to contributing to a flatter stomach, sitting exercises have other benefits to the body. It promotes vertebral column retraction, improves bassin posture, stretches intercostal ligaments, stimulates central abdominal muscles, relieves lumbar pain, and promotes better digestion. A holistic solution for better health and a more elongated silhouette!

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L'importance du contexte

In addition to contributing to a flatter stomach, sitting exercises have other benefits to the body. It promotes vertebral column retraction, improves bassin posture, stretches intercostal ligaments, stimulates central abdominal muscles, relieves lumbar pain, and promotes better digestion. A holistic solution for better health and a more elongated silhouette!

Comment pratiquer cet exercice ventre plat ?

Pour mettre en pratique cette méthode japonaise, il vous suffit de suivre quelques étapes simples :

    Preparation of the serviette: Wrap a serviette and lay it at the base of your dos when you are lying down.
    Positioning the body Position yourself on the dos with your elbows bent and your feet apart at the elbows' width. The feet should be slightly turned inward so that your two large orteils meet.
    Position your bras above your head and bring your hands together till your small fingers contact.
    Maintain your posture: Stay in this position for 5 minutes while relaxing your muscles.
    By including this quick and effective practice into your daily routine, you will soon see impressive results!

    The serviette exercise is a simple and accessible way to tone your tummy and achieve your fitness goals. While enjoying the health benefits that it provides, don't forget to combine this practice with other healthy habits to maximize your results. Furthermore, why not try this Japanese secret to shape your silhouette right now? You'll undoubtedly be surprised by the results...

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